Stamps and model cards

When disseminating models, it is often important to summarize evaluations under specific fairness perspectives, and whether they meet specific thresholds.

FairBench calls such evaluations stamps, and allows their automated extraction from reports (reports hold a lot of information, some of which can be matched to speccific popular definitions of fairness to be added to model cards). Several stamps can be aggregated into forks and outputted in various model card formats.

  1. Stamps
  2. Combine stamps
  3. Export to model cards


Stamps are callables that take as inputs reports, extract specific fields, and apply potential threshold checks. Calling a stamp returns an Explainable object (or an ExplainableError in case it cannot be retrieved from the report). This holds either boolean or numeric values, respectively asserting that some property is met and quantifying how well a model performs.

Several stamps are provided within the fairbench.stamps package. To avoid confusion with core library functionalities, stamps are not accessed from the global level. Run a stamp per:

import fairbench as fb
report = ...
stamp = fb.stamps.four_fifths_rule(report)
# 3/4ths ratio: False

Combine stamps

You may want to check a model for various characteristics, and therefore assess it with various stamps. To do so, combine the stamps into one entity like in the following snippet. Each stamp's value is an Explainable object under the hood, but they all contain different explanation data; avoid mass-explanations (e.g., with stamps.explain) and instead export collections of stamps to model cards for a more thorough explanation (see below).

stamps = fb.combine(
prule: 0.212
worst accuracy: 0.799
4/5 rule: False

Export to model cards

Combined stamps can be exported in popular formats that are often used to represent model cards. The exports can be treated as fairness model cards or be integrated to the full cards of models being tested. Export methods can produce new files if given a path, but also return the respective string conversion they would write to the file.

To avoid confusion with core library functionalities, model card exports can only be accessed from the module fairbench.modelcards and not from the top level. For example, use the following snippet to export markdown:

print(fb.modelcards.tomarkdown(stamps))  # or toyaml or tohtml

The output will be this markdown. Notice that the original stamp outputs keep track of factors, descriptions, and recommendations to add to respective report fields.

The fairbench.modelcards.tohtml method can also let you open the generated html in your browser (without necessarily creating a file) like so:

fb.modelcards.tohtml(stamps, show=True)