
Reports perform multi-faceted analyses of system outcomes (e.g., predictions, recommendations, regression scores) and produce explainable high-level views of biases found across several definitions of fairness.

  1. Generate reports
  2. Report types
  3. Show reports
  4. Explainable values


To check for specific fairness assessments from the literature, produce reports that contain relevant information (e.g., multireports shown below) and extract from them appropriate stamps.

Generate reports

You can generate fairness reports by providing some of the optional arguments below to a report generation method. These arguments are needed to automatically understand which base performance metrics to compute. Report generation method will try to compute fairness assessment built from as many base metrics as they can, depending on which arguments are provided. You can also provide an optional metrics argument that holds either a dictionary mapping names to metrics or a list of metrics, where in the last case their names are automatically inferred. Sensitive attributes are forks to handle multi-value attributes or multiple sensitive attribute values.

Argument Role Values
predictions system output binary array
scores system output array with elements in [0,1]
targets prediction target array with elements in [0,1]
labels prediction target binary array
sensitive sensitive attribute fork of arrays with elements in [0,1] (either binary or fuzzy)


For the time being, for multiclass problems you need to perform a different fairness assessment for each for class label, but this will change in the future with new capabilities.

Report types

Out-of-the box, you can use one of the following three report generation methods:

  • accreport provides popular performance evaluation measures to be viewed between branches (accuracy, positives, true positive rates, true negative rates).
  • binreport conducts a suit of popular binary fairness assessments on each variable branch and should be preferred when branches do not correspond to mult-attribute fairness.
  • multireport is ideal for multi-fairness approaches, where the sensitive fork has many branches. This report generator performs a lot of editing to summarize the findings of multi-attribute fairness analysis by making all possible group or subgroup comparisons.
  • unireport is similar to multireport, with the difference being that each group or subgroup is compared to the whole population.
  • isecreport tackles mult-fairness with many intersectional groups. Its output approximates multireport with a Bayesian framework that is applicable even when protected group intersections are too small to yield meaningful predictions.

As an example, let's create a simple report based on binary predictions, binary ideal predictions and multiclass sensitive attribute sensitive, which is declared to be a fork with two branches men,women, each of which is a binary feature value per:

import fairbench as fb

sensitive = fb.Fork(men=[1, 1, 0, 0, 0], women=[0, 0, 1, 1, 1])
report = fb.multireport(predictions=[1, 0, 1, 0, 0], 
                        labels=[1, 0, 0, 1, 0], 

Show reports

Report are forks whose branches hold dictionaries of metric computations. In some reports (e.g., multireport) reduction operations introduce a comparative analysis between the sensitive attribute branches to investigate unfairness. For example, min shows the worst evaluation across sensitive groups, and minratio and maxdiff the minimum ratio and maximum differences between metric values for sensitive groups (groups correspond to sensitive attribute branches).

Several methods are provided to work with the report data format, namely forks of dictionaries. First, you can show reports in the stdout console in the form of tables:

Metric          min             minratio        maxdiff        
accuracy        0.938           1.000           0.000          
pr              0.812           0.857           0.125          
fpr             0.063           0.778           0.016          
fnr             0.333           0.333           0.333  

You can also convert reports to json, for example to send to some frontend:

{"header": ["Metric", "mean", "minratio", "maxdiff"], "accuracy": [0.9375, 1.0, 0.0], "pr": [0.8125, 0.8571428571428571, 0.125], "fpr": [0.06349206349206349, 0.7777777777777778, 0.015873015873015872], "fnr": [0.3333333333333333, 0.3333333333333333, 0.33333333333333337]}

Reports can be visualized with matplotlib:


report example


Not all forks can be parsed by fb.visualize and fb.display. For example, you cannot visualize a fork of reports. Explore complicated forks with interactive visualization.

Explainable values

Some report values, can be explained in terms of data they are derived from. For instance, if a fairbench.isecreport is made, both empirical and bayesian evaluations arise from the underlying data branches of multi-attribute fairness forks. More on exploration based on explainable objects can be found in our introduction to programmatic interactive exporation

Whenever possible, the data branches that are converted into final reports are preserved by having report values be instances of the Explainable class. This provides an .explain field of data contributing to the report value, and .desc field to store additional descriptions. You can perform arithmetic operations between explainable objects and other numbers and the outcome will be normal python numbers.

As an example, below we use these fields to retrieve posterior estimations contributing to calculating the baysian branch of the minprule metric in the isecreport.

report = fb.isecreport(vals)
Metric          empirical       bayesian       
minprule        0.857           0.853          

Metric          case1           case2           case2,case1    
                0.729           0.706           0.827